Monday, January 25, 2010

The Dog chewed my Drill press cord cute!..............NOT.     One of them chewed the cord to my drill press.  Also they are not so little anymore.  This was taken in Sept 09.  I don't know if I have any recent pictures of them.  Here is the scenario, the weather warms up enough for me to actually go out in the workshop to do a little sanding and what not.  I find the cord to my drill press chewed in half.  Ended up having to go buy some electrical tape today cause a sista got some splicin to do.  I think it was the boy.  He is the buff colored one, thick as he wants to be, will chew anything.  In fact He, (if I am correct in my assumption) chewed part of the baseboard in the laundry room where we let them sleep when it is cold outside.  They are something else.  Hindering my progress a little but I guess I wouldn't have it any other way. Gotta Luv Em!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy New Year

First Post this year.  I can't believe it is 2010.  That just sounds so crazy to say.

It's been cold here, so I haven't been outside working in the woodshop much lately. I did bring some of my tools up to my sun room on the deck, but it is still cold out there.  I will post pictures soon of my latest designs that have been brought to life.  I broke down and purchased a scroll saw which enables me to do more detailed cutting and the Happy Nappies and Afto pic earrings are coming along nicely.   Also I found my polishing wheel and decided to put a buffed finish on the Afro pic earrings.  I just can't decide which way to drill the holes.  I try to always fashion the earrings so that they hang just right.  I'll do some experimenting and post the pics soon .  I am speaking as if I have a massive following.  But anyhow this is good practice for that book I have been planning to write.  Oh and another thing that is new is the Bamboo locket pendant I am working on.  I actually stumbled upon a way to make a three dimentional or three sided pendnat.  That led me to the idea that it could be double sided like a locket with a hinge.  When I design the hinge and have it excecuted right I will post the images.. ............ Yay! to my first follower, my best friend of 20+ years, now to get my other bff of 20+ to sign on and it will be a great begining to many more followers to come........

Must post a shout out to all the Hatian community to let you all know that we are praying for your nation and so deeply saddened concerning the recent earthquake there.  Know that you are not alone!